At any moment when in the business environment occur factors which can influence the company’s performances, business restructuring and turnaround services may help you to adjust the impact caused by those external factors and will offer such working procedure for turnaround and activity improvement.
The main working procedures are:
- analysis of the weakness and strengths of the business (SWOT) and of the functional departments (sales, acquisitions, personnel, production, inventories management);
- preparation of a report with proposals and recommendation for business restructuring;
- presentation of this report to the management and obtain agreement upon it;
- execution of the agreed proposals and provide assistance to the management if they chose a direct implementation procedure.
If the company is undergoing an insolvency procedure (reorganization or insolvency) in accordance with the insolvency law, the services provided are:
- undertake the mandate of the administrator or liquidator, in accordance with the insolvency law;
- preparation of the business restructuring plan;
- preparation of the insolvency report;
- financial analysis of the company in order to establish the insolvency requirements as required by the insolvency law;
- management of the company undergoing insolvency procedure;
- preparation of the monthly management reports;
- representation of the company in any relations with the syndic judge and creditor’s committee.