What can we do for your business?

Facing the challenges of a dynamic business environment, we provide outsourced accounting services for small and medium sized businesses, tax optimization, audit and management consulting, as well as reorganization / restructuring services.

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Financially based decisions are those that guarantee a successful business and protection against operational risks. We are a financial consulting and accounting firm that is committed to becoming your reliable ally. The quality of our services will be noticed in the progress of your business.

Working with us:
You team up with professionals Proactive approach Competitive fees

Working with us:

  • You receive personalized financial consulting and advice  for your company, on the basis of which you can make optimal decisions;
  • You will get the accounting services in real time and takes account of the fiscal picture of all operations not just a static record.

  • Our chartered accountants are at your disposal to provide you with consulting services for any accounting or financial issue.

    Our goal is to provide you with high-performing financial and accounting services that will guarantee your business a real success.

    With accounting services provided by Consult Accounting Leader for small and medium businesses, you can focus on other priority activities for your business because you will always have access to the financial information you need to make important decisions for your company. We offer you upgraded financial reports so you do not have to make estimates about your company's financial situation..

    The fact that we work closely with our customers to maximize the efficiency of our services is the key to success in a changing business environment.

    Tax & accounting news / Fiscal opinions

    4 April 2018

    Deductibilitatea cheltuielilor cu instrainarea creantelor

    La sfarsitul lunii august 2017, prin OG 25/2017 de modificare a Codului fiscal incepand cu 1 Ianuarie 2018 au fost aduse modificari substantiale cu privire la […]
    4 April 2018

    Plafon cifra de afaceri scutire TVA – noutati de la 1 Aprilie 2018

    Prin Legea 72/2018 de aprobare a OG 25/2017, privind modificarile aduse Legii 227/2015 privind Codul Fiscal, s-a majorat plafonul cifrei de afaceri pentru scutire TVA de […]

    You may contact us at: +40 728 978 133
